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Educate. Empower. Excel.​

AEF Learning Grants
2017-2018 School Year



Enhancement of STEM Curriculum, Abington Junior High School

Incorporate use of Sphero Robots for 7th and 8th grade students in the STEM courses. Working with Sphero robots will take the students’ coding knowledge off-screen, challenging them to apply what they have learned to solve physical problems. Students will write programs from the “ground up” and utilize their coding skills to 1) code robots to make it through a maze successfully; 2) problem solve (define, prepare, try, reflect, repeat) the best way to get the robots to carry increasing weight across the room; 3) code robots to draw the outline of an object to be photographed; and 4) code an interactive game using the Sphero’s accelerometer and voice.


Chromebook Enhancement for Meteorology and Hydrology Study, Abington Junior High School

Purchase of equipment and technology (LAB Quest Mini, Surface Temp Probe, Relative Humidity Sensor, Barometer, Salinity Sensor) to set up "electronic stations" that will enhance science learning in the fields of Meteorology and Hydrology for 7th graders. The electronic stations will be used for experiments and demonstrations, and will allow students to compare their traditional analog data with the new digital data.


Utilizing Technology in the Instrumental Music Classroom, All ASD Elementary Schools

Incorporating mobile technology to enhance elementary instrumental music instruction, which takes place in various rooms/spaces throughout the elementary schools, that may not have permanent technology available. The technology (iPad, AppleTV, Lighting-port capable mic, bluetooth sound system) will enable the instrumental music team to utilize resources available through the internet and computer based music programs that will increase student understanding and engagement.


Flexible Staging for Elementary School Performing Arts, Copper Beech Elementary

Stage additions and platforms to be used for the Copper Beech Musical and Talent Show. The staging will be made available to all elementary schools that would like to use it to augment their performing arts programs.


Robotics Club, Highland Elementary School

Purchase of Ozobots (miniature robots that can be programmed to interact with each other and environment) to be used for new Robotics Club at Highland for 5th graders. The Robotics Club will also teach coding through the application of robots. In addition to the Robotics Club, Ozobots will be used during Science Day to generate student interest in robotics and made available as a classroom kit for teachers to "check-out."


Bridging the Gap of Experiences through Virtual Reality, Highland Elementary School

Utilizing Virtual Reality (iPods, iPads, and virtual reality viewers) to enhance the reading curriculum for elementary school students.


PSU Afterschool STEM Program, Highland Elementary School

Enhancing the STEM Club through the addition of a Foss Kit for astronomy study and Beebots for computational literacy.


STEAM After School Clubs, McKinley Elementary School

Materials and supplies for a 4-week afterschool enrichment program for students in grades K-1. The clubs offered within this program will correlate to the STEAM initiative. 


Breakout EDU Learning Games, McKinley Elementary School

Breakout EDU kits are a unique collections of resettable locks, boxes, and items that can be used to play over one hundred immersive learning games that include math, science, communication arts, social studies, and other curricular goals.


Enhancing Learning Through Dramatic Play, McKinley Elementary School

Incorporating dramatic play into kindergarten literacy instruction to provide students with engaging, meaningful, authentic learning experiences. Dramatic play fosters cognitive capacity, literacy and language development, and social and emotional growth in young students. Students will be introduced to each of the following “centers” through fiction and nonfiction texts: Construction site, Ice Cream Parlor, Flower Shop, Camp Site, Post Office, School. 

Thank You AEF Key Sponsors

Armani Entertainment
Wisler Pearlstine
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