The Abington Cares Fund was created in 2023 to provide support to current Abington School District (ASD) students when they are experiencing financial or emotional hardship. Research has shown that children learn best when their basic needs – shelter, clothing, food, emotional stability – are being met. Unfortunately, more often than we realize, Abington students face prolonged poverty or temporary hardship, and need assistance to have their basic needs fulfilled. The support this Fund provides will help our students come to school without the weight of adult problems on their shoulders.
Supporting Students
The Cares Fund will be administered by AEF and ASD to provide the following resources to Abington School District students and families in need. A process has been established where ASD Social Workers will determine eligibility for support.
1. Basic Necessities, which includes, but is not limited to:
School bags, School supplies, Clothing, Swimsuits, T1 Calculators, Hygiene products/ Toiletries, Shoes/Sneakers, Winter coats, Winter boots, Winter hats & gloves
2. Financial Relief to ASD students and families​ experiencing a temporary hardship or crisis situation, such as homelessness, significant illness or sudden death of immediate family member, or relocation to Abington School District as refugee or immigrant.
Real examples of ASD students in need that the Cares Fund will now be able to help.
Groceries for a family whose guardian had a long-term illness and was unable to work.
Winter coats (especially larger sizes) for students who cannot afford them.
Support for students experiencing homelessness.
Students alerting social workers of their need for food (especially over weekends) without time to get to the food pantries.
Support for new ESL students who have moved to Abington, usually in a dire situation from another country.
Food voucher for a family spending many days in the hospital with a child receiving treatment for cancer.
Emergency support for a student's family after a fire or home emergency, before insurance and other help arrives.
AEF is seeking support from the local Abington community and ASD alumni to build the Abington Cares Fund. We hope you will consider making a difference in an Abington student’s life with a tax-deductible donation of any size to this Fund.