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Educate. Empower. Excel.


AEF Learning Grants

2019-2020 School Year



Transition Activities for Learning Support 2 Students, Abington Junior High School

Chromebook laptops for Learning Support 2 Students to access applications that will help them develop transition goals and appropriate work-place skills to prepare for future employment and independent living.


Vibe & Imagine Intergenerational Trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Abington Junior High School

AEF will fund the transportation for an intergenerational field trip for Vibe & Imagine families to the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) in Washington, DC. The student/adult pair will be tasked with identifying and taking a picture of an artifact or exhibit within the museum of significant personal and historical value or curiosity. Following the trip, the pair will “become the historian” by exploring the various elements that create an artifact’s historical context. The knowledge gained from this lesson and exercise will be documented through a series of videos featuring the student/adult pair where they will record themselves discussing the historical context of the artifact that they discovered and explored together. 


New Seating for STEM I & STEM II Classrooms, Abington Junior High School

New seating to enhance the STEM classroom instruction, student collaboration, and building workspace. This grant will switch the classroom from stationary desks to 2-student mobile sit-stand STEM student desks.


Senior Recognition, Abington Senior High School

With the traditional graduation ceremony unable to take place this year, AEF wanted to help recognize the Class of 2020 with the purchase of personalized lawn signs for every senior and two large banners to be displayed on the Old York Road/Edge Hill Road Bridge and at the Senior High School during the reworked “social distance” graduation.


Drone Technology, Abington Senior High School

Funding for two teachers and two students to take courses to become certified drone pilots. This will enable the creation of a Drone Club at the Senior High and will also help to incorporate drone technology into physics courses.


Dr. Recess Assembly, Copper Beech Elementary School

The on-site Dr. Recess assembly and games program promotes the importance of being active and living a healthy life by using developmentally appropriate games to teach and advance the social and emotional skills, cognitive skills, motor skills, and fitness levels of elementary school children. Students learn how to better utilize their recess time, which will result in a reduction in bullying and increase in student morale and motivation.


Lion King, Jr. Musical Production, Highland Elementary School

Support to purchase sound equipment to help make Highland’s new musical theater program for 5th and 6th graders possible. Students who participate in musical theater gain lifelong benefits; students learn empathy, listening skills, teamwork, problem solving, confidence, public speaking, and communication skills.


Flexible Classroom Seating, McKinley Elementary School

Floor desks, standing desks, and stability ball chairs to create a flexible seating environment for two first grade classrooms. Students learn best when they have some control over their environment. Flexible seating allows students to choose where they work and to change their location and position as needed.


PlayFit Recess Program Playground Equipment, Overlook Elementary School

Dr. Recess playground games and equipment that are developmentally appropriate and reinforce social and emotional skills, thinking skills, and motor skills. These are a part of the Dr. Recess Assembly that AEF helped to fund at Overlook that helps students to better utilize their recess time, resulting in a reduction in bullying and an increase in student morale, motivation, and physical activity.


Flexible Classroom Seating, Rydal Elementary School

New options to create a flexible seating environment for a third grade classroom. Students learn best when they have some control over their environment. Flexible seating allows students to choose where they work and to change their location and position as needed.


Teaching Diversity in a Historical Context, Willow Hill Elementary School

Each 5th grade student student will receive a copy of the book A Different Mirror for Young People - A History of Multicultural America, which guides students to ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the rich cultural diversity that makes the United States the country that it is today. The book will be used alongside the social studies curriculum.


AEF Signature Programs

2019-2020 School Year


Abington Buddies Club, Abington Senior High School

AEF proudly supports the Senior High Buddies Club, which fosters meaningful relationships between disabled and nondisabled students through monthly afterschool meetings. The Abington Buddies promote authentic opportunities for students with disabilities, while giving nondisabled students a greater awareness and understanding of students with intellectual and developmental needs.


AEF Award, Abington Junior High School

AEF honors and provides gift cards to approximately 24 Junior High students who exemplify the traits of leadership and integrity while overcoming challenges.   


Silver Pen Award, All ASD Elementary Schools

AEF launched, and continues to fund, the Silver Pen Award, which recognizes sixth-grade students submitting winning essays in a district-wide competition. 


Elementary School Graduate Recognition, All ASD Elementary Schools

In conjunction with 6th Grade Community Day, AEF is proud to provide every Abington School District 6th grader with their first Abington “Class of 20##” T-Shirt!


Thank You AEF Key Sponsers

Armani Entertainment
Wisler Pearlstine
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